The mystery of cars that only have a registration

The curiosity for cars that circulate with a single registration, usually in the rear, has generated multiple questions between drivers and transport experts. This practice, common in some countries, It is strange in those where the law demands two plates, one in the front and one in the rear.
The origin of these regulations is no accident. Responds to a combination of legal, design, economic and cultural factors, which It has opened debates around its functionality and convenience globally.
Legal reasons behind unique registrations

In several countries, traffic laws allow vehicles to circulate only with a rear registration. This is the case of many states in the United States and other countries where administrative simplicity and reduced costs are prioritized. The absence of a second plaque eliminates the need to manufacture and install additional plateswhich means considerable savings for both governments and drivers.
However, not everyone sees this measure with good eyes. In places where both registrations are mandatory, detractors consider that single plaque regulations can have negative implications in aspects such as surveillance and safety.