The mystery of the pensions in the Belorado convent: fraud or error?

The Archbishopric of Burgos has reported to the National Social Security Institute (INSS) that payments corresponding to the pension of a nun who died in April 2022 are being received in the accounts managed by the former Poor Clares of the Belorado convent. The irregularity was detected when reviewing the banking transactions of the community, where an income linked to a DNI that did not match any of the current residents was observed.
The deceased nun was part of the Derio convent, which was absorbed by the Belorado convent after its closure. After the discovery, the Archbishopric communicated the situation to the INSS, which will now carry out an investigation to determine if improper payments have been made and, if confirmed, if it is necessary to request the return of the funds received since the death of the nun. .
This new incident adds to a series of financial problems faced by the Belorado community since a change of mandate was made in June 2024. Control of them was transferred to the administration of the Archbishopric, which has made access to information on money movements difficult.