The mystery of the underground extraterrestrial bases of Dulce, New Mexico / Podcast Legion Hidden – Mario González Calderón (Captain UFO)

Read the podcast of the mystery of the underground extraterrestrial bases of Dulce, New Mexico / Podcast Hidden Legion

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Yes how loved friends are all very welcome to a new edition of the Podcast Legion Hidden UFO since they are part of our collective consciousness based on the favorite phenomenology of each of us and well the previous case that we hear the previous podcast Vargas Redundancia that of Linda Napolitano of truth that was strange but this time I will invite you To be attentive to accommodate the headphones, raise the volume of your radius Cyprus why not say it can be placed with the mourning case to listen to it on any radio or speaker or in the car in Rome the work or anywhere because this time I bring all you An event a fact that in the first instance has fascinated me a lot since I began to investigate and study the UFO phenomenon within another one that is related to the alien mysteries that surround it I spent Dulce in New Mexico now this results in The name Phil Schneider is not going to spoil anything but that we are going to go directly to this situation because it has caused a lot So little trade such does not deliver so many fruits ufologists and I don’t want to It is strange good flour from another sack is their thing here we only take care of the topics to enlarge the knowledge library of each of you without asserting or denying anything and leaving the conclusion of each of you now to immerse ourselves more in This situation has to talk that for decades our dear ufologists have affirmed that aliens experience with humans and especially with the help of military within a secret base of Archuleta that is located in Dulce New Mexico now this picturesque aesthetic village in Dulce New Mexico has about three thousand inhabitants more or less so that they are even understanding they do not even have a traffic light but this small and modest community is a seedbed or of ufologists and theoreticals of the extraterrestrial conspiracy who believe that under the city there is an installation Seven -story secret military known as the dulce or the dulce New Mexico swore strength in the 1970s began with a state police who saw a strange ship in the sky and also won mutilated on the sweet floor also found gas masks close to the place which believed that they indicated the participation of the Government such The most incredible were the statements of Steele Schneider, an assumption former government engineer who claimed to have helped build the land pot of Dulce in New Mexico

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