The spiritual reparation of the victims of the sodalicio in the light of the Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu Mass in Camacho

“I have seen that the repair process was focused on physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. And they are definitely the most striking elements. But I consider that the SCV being or supposedly being ‘Church’, it had to focus its repair on the spiritual part of each person, without neglecting the other aspects ”

“You also perceive that reparation will never be complete, because the evil committed is unpayable. You have stolen the best years of your life, happiness, illusion, the meaning of your life and perhaps the most precious, faith”

“It would be blasphemy to think about the church a reparation only economic for the injustices and offenses committed to me or those of any abused”

“The Sodalicio intends now to start over, but cannot do it on the” spiritual corpses “of many people who have renegated God, of their faith, of the Church, of themselves, because of them”

After finding out about the dissolution of the sodalicio and being aware of the repercussions that this Vatican decision is taking, I need to publish some personal reflections that arose in me From what happened last Sunday in the parish Sodálite our lordade the reconciliation in Camacho.

These reflections are based on my own personal experience and also on facts of which I have witnessednot only by the media but directly.

I have seen that the repair process was focused on physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. And they are definitely the most striking elements. But I consider that the SCV being or supposedly being “Church”, had to focus its repair on the spiritual part of each person, without neglecting the other aspects.

Pope and Bertomeu

Be a victim

In the case of Sodalicio, the people who told “their experience” at first did not recognize “themselves” as victims. On the contrary, they considered that it was they who had failed the sodalicio and, of course, the Church itself. When you were in the sodalicio and manifested a doubt or vocational crisis, and you stopped being part of them, you were considered a traitor, a failed, a couple.

Only after telling others what we had lived, they were researchers or interlocutors, they all confirmed that you were actually victim. As a consequence, another conviction emerged: you had suffered an injustice that should be repaired.

This desire for justice cannot be expressed with words, but it manifests itself violently inside the soul. You also perceive that the repair will never be complete, since the evil committed is unpayable. They have stolen the best years of your life, happiness, illusion, the meaning of your life and perhaps the most precious, faith.

Sodalicio repair

A victim does not usually ask for money first, as many imagine. Wait someday to have enough strength to confront your abuser face and let it forgivefor more “level” or “hierarchy” that even has in an organization as powerful as sodalicio.


This, unfortunately, in most cases it has not been given. The victims have been hidden after a legal or communicative scaffolding, without never having come out to meet us in the eye and ask us for forgiveness personally.

The integral repair that I hope

A victim also hopes that a ‘investigative commission’, whether civil or ecclesial, better both, knows the behavior of these sodálites and that they are properly investigated and sanctioned. A victim wants to avoid future abuse.

For all this, the authentic and true repair is integral, not only economic. An economic reparation could be done by a commercial society with business criteria and it would be enough.

But it is not enough in the Church. It is necessary that repair is also spiritual and psychological. It would be blasphemy to think about the Church a reparation only economic for the injustices and offenses committed to me or those of any abused.

A seemingly Catholic sect

Personally I have witnessed how The desire for justice, and also the desire for revengedespite the years, it increased instead of decreasing.


New testimonies and new people will appear and appear will come to light and testify to the horror lived in the Sodálite family, throughout it without exception: sodalicio, fraternal, servants of the plan of God and Christian life movement (MVC).

It is important to understand, how they are narrated in several books and testimonies, which Figari conceived and launched a sect of Catholic appearance in which the control of the person, his thoughts, emotions and behavior was monitored in detail and with this method of training they could achieve blind obedience and, when they wanted it, the personal break. You can only deny this living in the parallel reality of the sodalicio.

The ‘spiritual corpses’ of the sodalicio

I think the background problem, but not the only one, is spiritual. For more money or communiqués that ‘gave us’ the Sodálite family, peace was never restored because a real reconciliation process to the victims was not initiated.

The first unveiled symptom was the lack of confidence in oneself, in the ecclesial institution, in God. Many had already lost faith.

The sodalicio intends now to start over, but cannot do it on the “spiritual corpses” of many people who have renegated God, their faith, of the Church, of themselves, because of them.

As they taught us in the Church, if one moves away from God as a source of good, seeks the substitutes and it is unfortunate for me to see that many of the former sodálites, although not all, of letting the debauchery after leaving the sodalicio.

Bertomeu in the Parish of the Sodalicio

Some questions raised in the parish of Ntra Ms. of reconciliation

I followed with astonishment the Mass held by Mons. Jordi Bertomeu in the Parish of Camacho, on February 2, 2025. Valient and clear. Memorable. I saw clear that Sodalicio has not had “spiritual commiseration” with the victims.

I wondered, about to sign its definitive disappearance:

* How many, of those who were victims recognized by the Sodalicio, were again part of their spiritual family?
* What tools or instances “spiritual”, outside the priests and consecrated laity of the sodalicio to which the victims did not want to see, made available to them so that they could understand what happened and reconcile with you, with God and with the church ?
* You wondered every day: What else can we do for the victims? Or did they see it as a past theme?

The truth of ‘Sodálite spirituality’

There were many young people and adults who are part of their spiritual family, the Christian life movement. Without knowing anything or very little of what was happening, they were surprised and even scandalized by the last provisions of the Holy Father announced by Mons Bertomeu.

Bertomeu gave in the nail. He was affectionate and generous with them, but assertive. Expulsions and dissolution have been a very strong blow to the sodalicio. But if they do not abandon their mentality ‘elitist that demands false obedience’, they can never digest them.

A recent personal testimony

Regarding this issue, I want to narrate a personal testimony of a recent event. After many years of my departure from the sodalicio and making a great personal reconciliation effort, I began to participate in two MVC groups.

Jordi Bertomeu, during the Mass

On Saturday, February 1, 2025, when it was already known about the suppression of the sodalicio, I told an MVC member of my critical appreciation about the sodalicio.

From that moment on, this person thought that he was attacking and judging her and that he denied the entire Sodálite family: I was only giving my critical appreciation of the Sodalicio formally and cordially.

After that he proceeded to eliminate me from one of the MVC groups in which he participated. And the next day I was called the coordination of the other MVC group in which I was and also eliminated me.

For being critical of the sodalicio, I was considered a threat and a bad influence for the new members of the MVC and they took me out of both groups. Of course, they told me that we were still friends and that I could visit them.

I considered that the current MVC members would have matured or changed, but still maintain that body spirit of the sodalicio in which every diverse opinion, even if respectful, has to be expelled from the root.

On the other hand, I was also very struck that a chasuble was imposed with the flaming sword to Mons.bertomeu during the mass that presided and that a hymn was made to sing to the Virgin who later knew that it was composed of Alejandro Bermúdez. Even my brother who lives outside Peru and who saw Mass on Facebook wrote to me surprised by it. That was not to understand anything.

In my opinion all the works founded by Figari had to be suppressed. There was no other way. And I know that God will get many good things from all this process and dirty water that we now offer him, he will draw an ‘better better’ wine ‘for the end, as Mons. Bertomeu told us. This is my hope.


(Tagstotranslate) Sodalicio

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