Your message to mothers

At 32, Martina, Colombian based in Bogotá, knows well The power that a mother’s prayer can have when asking for your children.
Raised by a Catholic mother and an agnostic father united in civil marriage, he counts on the channel The Rosary of 11 who was only two years old when he suffered the traumatic separation from their parents. Although he was baptized and received communion, he remembers that his spiritual formation especially came from his maternal family and his school carried by religious.
Although his parents resumed the relationship a decade later, Martina could never have total emotional stability. His parents returned to a strong crisis that they could not recover.
Welcome with his mother for his grandmother in Bogotá, he again accused the lack of a father in his life, which he saw twice a year. That absence caused some Wounds of affection, security and self -esteem who began to emerge at age 15, aggravated by a bullying that the young woman did not seem to be able to face.
Looking to cover the gaps
Once graduated, Martina seemed to find in her new friends the security she lacked for years.
“In a way they encouraged me to have a boyfriend. Have no relationship At that time, at 16 or 17, I was frowned upon, so I started to open to that mentality, ”he recalls.
At the same time, Martina decided to unleash her incipient dream of traveling and enrolled in the studies of Flight attendant at the Bogotá Aviation School, where the atmosphere of party, drink and relationships It was significantly “heavier.”
“So I started looking for a boyfriend and being with a man, with another … unfortunately I did not give me a relationship either at a stable level,” he laments.
Once his studies were completed, he began working in a Colombian airline at the El Dorado Airport, acute by the need to collaborate economically with the home, to which a stable relationship would also contribute.
“What I saw was something very superficial, many Aesthetic surgeries, homosexualism and lust, adultery and fornication. That is what was seen in the aviation environment. Meanwhile, I felt that it made me very superficial, my goal was no longer only to work on one of the best airlines, but to have material things, become a successful flight assistant and be with a man or another”, Admits.
Without God and attached to pain: “I couldn’t let go”
Remember that then I was already “totally away from God”And, although he could buy everything and have everything, he was surprised when he suddenly began to cry, invaded by the void, without knowing what his life was missing.
Finally he fulfilled his dream when it was selected Among 40 cabin crew, hostesses and auxiliaries in a Great international airline. During the process he underwent long physical preparation days for months. A relationship with one of his companions also began. He seemed to have everything he had always dreamed of, but soon he saw that he was not as he expected.
“The relationship began to be increasingly toxic, with many possession dyes. I started suffering Psychological abuseI wanted it to be like him, I began to receive comments regarding my body that They hit my self -esteem and became a very toxic relationship”Martina recalls. Especially as regards the lust. “The problem you have when you start to explore that kind of thing is that a certain type of practice is no longer enough, but you are looking for another and another, and that also made me attach a lot to him, that I could not release it” .
Opening his mentality to the pill: “It was harmless”
Overcome all filters, Martina and her boyfriend were definitely selected to start trips as crew members.
Without her knowing it, His mother prayed every day For the return to her daughter’s faith, while she rejected all her warnings about a relationship, to her eyes, increasingly worrying.
Soon came what Martina called “planning.” day after pillthen convinced that this was “harmless” and that a pregnancy meant “having a foreign body in your body”, which “prevented the normal process that all women have.”
The advice of her mother was not for her other than “fashionable” words, completely disconnected from her life. Especially since the selection and its destination was communicated in Türkiye.
“Touching the sky”
Then, he says, “it was how to touch the sky with your handswhat I wanted so much and for what I had studied so much, work abroad, meet new cultures and dress fashionable and with the best brands, with the boyfriend I had also wanted. Forty Colombians were selected, it was an event, with coverage in the media that interviewed me. ”
His seemingly perfect life soon staggered when no apparent reason began to return some of those selected to Colombia. “The medical examination did not pass,” was heard. He finally received a call communicating that he had to return to his native country. “You have not overcome the exam”, They told him.
He could not understand it, especially when she had a flight license and at no time had been informed her of being an impediment to her work. Resigned, the young woman immediately returned to her country, leaving in Türkiye all his life he had built: her boyfriend, her experience, the work of her dreams and a high rhythm and standard of living.
With suicidal thoughts, he went to a retirement
“I entered depression. I was tormented to think how much I had studied and worked to be a flight attendant and that just when I get back. I got to have Suicidal thoughtsI didn’t want to live anymore if it wasn’t to be in the airline, ”he recalls.
With an abandoned faith for years, then he claimed an answer to God. But shortly after, during the pandemic, he got a job in a study agency, different from the one he had always dreamed of and that, without knowing how, He opened his eyes to faith. To the point that his boss invited a spiritual retreat from Marian love ties.
“I had a wonderful encounter. I was able to make a confession of life. It was so beautiful that I wanted to be in grace foreverbut for that I had to make some resignations, especially lust, the predominant sin in my life. If I want to have this life with you, I have to give up what I have had for ten years“, thought. Without knowing how to do it, the answer came through a missionary that same day. “Why don’t you do A vote of chastity? ”, He proposed.
Martina accepted the challenge, leaving the retirement with a commitment that maintains three years later and has not been exempt from difficulties.
Martina, on one of her trips to the Vatican.
“He turned A spiritual battle. One day, before it happened, I heard a voice that invited me to pray the rosary, to overcome and get ahead, to fight. And (in doing so) I began to notice that the situation improved, not only in the plane of chastity but in many other aspects, ”he remarks.
His message to mothers: his changed everything
But after the years, Martina still did not understand how her life ended so far from the career she had consecrated. Until one day, having resumed the practice of the sacraments, His mother acknowledged having been praying for years Why end that life. Especially the day before he returned to Colombia.
“That day, my mother told me to knelt and He began to cry to God, convinced that there was nothing to do for meI had already chosen my life. But for you there is nothing impossible, and I ask you to take it out. I don’t know how you are going to do it, but I ask you Help me with my daughter. Something happens”: That was his mother’s prayer the day before the company communicated to Martina his return to Colombia. Practically at the same time, Martina called her mother, confessing that she could not keep that toxic relationship with her boyfriend.
“The prayer of mothers is very very powerful. Keep a lot for yourwhether in process or not conversion, always pray for them. The Lord is wonderful, ”he concludes. Today, Martina has concluded his consecration to Jesus by Mary, the power of prayer has been confirmed and shared through her own life.
(Tagstotranslate) Conversion to Catholicism
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