The tricks that ICE uses in its raids to get migrants in the US to open the door

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) implements different tactics to make arrests in migrant communities. According to the Immigrant Defense Project (IDP), these strategies even contain manipulations that allow them to access homes and communities without court orders.
According to the aforementioned organization, these agents usually present themselves as detectives or prosecutors and, under pretexts, request information or access to homes. In some cases, They claim to be investigating a crime related to the person or they claim that a family member has been a victim of identity theft, which generates concern and leads residents to collaborate. This type of deception exploits trust in local authorities and can lead people to share personal data or allow agents to enter their homes.
The IDP also warns that these tactics are not limited to in-person encounters. The Fake phone calls are another tool used by ICE to obtain information or locate their targets. On these calls, agents can impersonate employees of the prosecutor’s officejudicial representatives or even by officers in charge of returning lost identification. These telephone strategies seek to convince people to provide addresses, names or sensitive data, facilitating subsequent arrests.
The combination of these tactics, both in person and by telephone, allows the ICE act effectively without the need for court orders. These types of practices have been denounced by organizations such as the IDP, which highlight the importance of migrant communities knowing their rights to avoid being victims of these deceptions.
The Immigrant Defense Project is a organization that, for more than 20 years, has been combating mass criminalization and deportation of migrants in the United States. Their work includes providing legal advice, training communities and leading communication campaigns. One of its main initiatives is ICEWatcha interactive map documenting over 1,400 raids and exposes the tactics used by ICE.
The ICE identifies your targets in advance and searches for them in their homes, workplaces, shelters or courts. Arrest priorities include people considered a threat to “national security” or “public safety,” as well as those who entered the country without authorization after November 1, 2020. However, the IDP warns that even if someone does not fall into these categories, they are still vulnerable to arrest and deportation.
The IDP emphasizes the importance of knowing your rights against ICE. If the agents arrive at a homeit is essential to stay calm, do not open the door without a court order signed by a judge and do not provide personal informationsuch as place of birth or immigration status. In public spaces or courtsit is essential to exercise the right to remain silentdo not answer questions without the presence of a lawyer and avoid handing over foreign documents.
In the event of an arrest, it is Crucial not to sign documents without a lawyer’s reviewsince they could be used against the immigration case. Lying or physically resisting arrest can also escalate the situation.
For those at risk of deportation, the IDP highlights the importance of being prepared for possible ICE interventions. One of his main recommendations is develop a family emergency planr that contemplates aspects such asWho will take care of the minors in case of arrest, how to access important documents and how to contact a trusted attorney. This type of planning helps reduce the impact of raids and protects the rights of those involved.
Furthermore, the IDP emphasizes the need to avoid any interaction with the criminal systemsince fingerprints and other data shared by law enforcement can be used by immigration agencies. Also recommends Consult with a specialized lawyer before starting immigration proceduressuch as green card renewal, status adjustments, or citizenship applications, to evaluate potential risks and avoid legal complications.
Those who need report raids, obtain information about rights or seek legal support, they can access the helpline (212-725-6422)as well as detailed resources on their website (