The White House said they are ‘legal’

In dialogue with different journalists, Kirby tried drones do not represent a threataccording to the media The New York Post.
“We evaluate that sightings to date include a combination of legal commercial drones, fans and drones of application of the lawas well as manned aircraft of fixed wing, helicopters and even stars that were erroneously reported as drones “, The White House spokesman reported.
“We have not identified anything anomalous or No risk for national or public security in the New Jersey Civil Space or other northeast states. The work continues, “he said.
Trump’s statements about the mystery of drones
From his home in Mar-A-Lago, in the state of Florida, the incoming president Donald Trump spoke about the mystery that represents the appearance of the drones in New Jersey and asked to explain the population What is the matter about.
The incoming president demanded that the authorities demolish drones. Photo:AFP
“For some reason, they don’t want to comment, and I think it would be better if they said what it is. Our soldiers know it. Our president knows it, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense. I can’t imagine that it is the enemy, because if it were, they would attack him, “he said.
Likewise, the authorities reminded the citizens that thousands of drones cross the sky every day for different reasons, and reported that currently There are at least 1’000,000 registered dronesincluded 8,000 that legally fly dailyaccording to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
(tagstotranslate) Mystery
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