They were in full celebration and the birthday candles went out by themselves: the mystery that unleashes all kinds of theories

A video shared on TikTok has generated a wave of reactions and theories in recent days, after it showed an unusual event during a celebration of birthday. In the clip, the candles of a cake they turn off suddenly and without apparent intervention, before the birthday girl could blow them out. This event, which has captured the attention of thousands of users, has given rise to a series of interpretations ranging from scientific explanations to paranormal conjectures. According to the user who published the clip, the event was not staged, which has intensified the interest and controversy surrounding the case.
According to what was reported in the video, the author of the content clarified in a subsequent publication that there was no digital manipulation or intention to deceive. “We are respectful of these types of issues”, he stated, in response to comments that questioned the authenticity of the material. However, the reactions were immediate, and platform users began to speculate about the possible causes of the phenomenon.

The video, which quickly went viral, has also been the subject of interpretations beyond what is rational. Several users raised the possibility that the extinguishing of the candles was caused by a “paranormal phenomenon” or the presence of a ghost. These theories have found an echo among those who believe in the supernatural, while others have chosen to look for more earthly explanations. Among the most common hypotheses is the idea that a draft, possibly generated by a fan or an open window, could have been responsible for the incident.
On the other hand, some users have pointed out that the movement of a hand close to the cake could have generated enough air displacement to blow out the candles. However, these explanations have not convinced everyone, and the debate remains open on the platform.
Despite the many theories and explanations proposed, the exact cause of the candles going out remains a mystery. The user who shared the video has not provided further details about the circumstances of the event, leaving room for speculation to continue. Meanwhile, the clip continues to accumulate views and comments.
Beyond the phenomenon itself, the video has led some users to reflect on the symbolism and history behind the tradition of blowing out candles on birthdays. According to the portal Food & Winethis practice has origins that date back to the ancient greece. Back then, candles were placed in round offerings dedicated to Sagebrushthe moon goddess. The smoke generated when they were extinguished symbolized the desires that ascended towards the gods, a gesture loaded with spiritual meaning.
Another theory about the origin of this custom points to Germany in it 18th centurywhere a festival known as Kinderfest. During these celebrations, two candles were placed on the children’s cakes: one represented life and the other, the years to come. Evolving over time, this ritual has become an essential part of modern birthdays, although its original meaning often goes unnoticed.