This train works without any liquid fuel

After the automotive industry launched the first hydrogen motorcycle, it has been evidence , but how is this possible?

Advances in the automotive industry
Currently, the automotive industry has presented innumerable advances that promise to be a contribution to sustainable mobility. However, many times these types of technologies are usually reduced to classic cars.
In this context, trains are usually limited to traditional fuels such as diesel or gasoline. But, this will not continue like this for a long time since companies Hitachi Rail, Angel Trains and Transpenine They are working on the solution.

A revolutionary technology
It is about First battery train from the United Kingdom, which ensures considerable autonomy in 100% electric mode. This new technology promises to reduce costs and emissions in the United Kingdom rail network.
In 2024 the first tests began, for which they placed a train with 700 kW, in which the battery weighed the same as the system that would be used if it were a diesel engine.
During the tests, the train operated in battery mode for more than a kilometer before and after each station, which allowed an efficient transition to diesel mode when necessary.
As a result, it has been confirmed that only one battery can reduce fuel costs between 35% and 50%. This will allow trains to enter and leave the stations without causing emissions.
In addition, they have made the interurban train reach a 120 kilometers/hour and that achieves an autonomy in a totally electric mode of 70 kilometers, which demonstrates that this technology is viable to cover tunnels, bridges, stations and other non -electrified sections.
The project is not over yet
Hitachi Rail, in collaboration with Innovate UK and the University of Birminghamintentions to continue with this project and climb to the next level. For this they are working on the development of a next -generation battery technology that offers solutions adapted to various customer needs.
Currently, conversations with the government and the railway sector are being made to define the following stages of the project.
A fundamental innovation for the United Kingdom
According to the Railway Transport Minister, Lord Hendythis innovation is essential for the transportation plans of transport in the United Kingdom and will allow communities to access a more ecological and economic rail network.
For her part, the mayor of the Northeast, Kim McGuinnessHe stressed that the successful trains test operated by drums marks a historical change in a region that at the time led the coal engines revolution and is now positioned at the forefront of the transition to clean energy.
A transition to more sustainable trains
This type of advance shows that innovation in sustainable mobility does not have to limit itself and that it can be applied even in transport as large as trains.
For their part, Hitachi Rail, Angel Trains and Transpenine companies have shown that it is possible to move towards sustainable transport without the need to sacrifice performance or speed and have positioned United Kingdom as leader in sustainable rail technologies.
In conclusion, the battery train has proven to be an innovative and efficient technology as well as the first manganese engine. This technology will undoubtedly mark a before and after in the history of trains and will be a great step for transition to sustainable trains.