United States | ICE reveals the number of illegal immigrants who have been arrested in the presidency of Trump

Since Donald Trump returned to the presidency On January 20, he conferred greater authority to Immigration and Customs Control Service of the United States (ICE, for its acronym in English) to make raids in schools, hospitals and churches with the objective of Stop illegal migrants.
The agency has intensified its work during the last days by completing January this year with a total of 13 thousand 31 arrests and 5,717 arrest ordersmainly focused on people with criminal records and representing a threat to national security.
Only between January 23 and 31, a week in which Trump had already assumed the presidency, The agency made 7 thousand 314 arrests and executed 75 thousand 717 arrest orders which registered in the month, having as a day of the greatest work on 27, according to number published by the chronicler.
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What is the difference between arrests and arrest orders of ICE?
Refers to Arrests when ICE agents directly stop a suspicious person having violated immigration laws and can be executed through specific operations, inspections in workplaces or in communities.
While detention orders are formal requests from ICE to prisons or local or state detention centers for Extend the arrest period of a person identified as a deportation subject.

Migrants by entering a plane for a deportation flight.
Daily arrests made by ICE between January 23 and 31:
- Thursday, January 23: 538 arrests, 373 detention orders
- Friday, January 24: 593 arrests, 449 detention orders
- Saturday, January 25: 286 arrests, 421 detention orders
- Sunday, January 26: 956 arrests, 554 detention orders
- Monday, January 27: 1,179 arrests, 853 detention orders
- Tuesday, January 28: 969 arrests, 869 detention orders
- Wednesday, January 29: 1,016 arrests, 814 detention orders
- Thursday, January 30: 913 arrests, 763 detention orders
- Friday, January 31: 864 arrests, 621 detention orders
ICE has highlighted some cases of detention of persons with criminal records in several states of the country; However, operations have generated reactions by human rights groups that have expressed concern about the separation of families and the impact on communities.
Some relevant cases of ICE arrests
- Denver, Colorado: Arrest of Juan Benítez Ortega, Mexican citizen accused of aggression and kidnapping
- Philadphia, Pennsylvania: Reded to a workplace that resulted in the capture of seven illegal immigrants, six Mexicans and a Dominican
- Seattle, Washington: Arrest of four immigrants with a history of sexual aggression, among which was Pedro García López, 47 years old