Who murdered the head of the CTE and a university student?

The murder of Lieutenant Colonel Ronald Patricio Gancino Chávez, head of the Ecuadorian Transit Commission (CTE) committed on the night of Saturday, January 25 in the Chipipe beach from the Salinas canton, province of Santa Elena, has shocked not only the members of its institution, but the peninsular population.

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The colonel had assumed his position in the city of Salinas a few weeks ago, although he had already worked in the detachment between 2016 and 2017, as well as in a period in 2024. Those who knew him highlighted his leadership and commitment to his troops.

“He was always an excellent security guard and a wonderful human being. His death has surprised us all,” said Jorge Silvestre, from the Risk Management area in Salinas, who worked alongside the officer in inter-institutional coordination.

On social networks, his colleagues from the Ninth Class of CTE officers, in which he graduated Gancino Chavezexpressed their pain for the irreparable loss: “He leaves this world leaving an indelible legacy in the hearts of those who knew him. Rest in peace, my Command!” said one of the publications.

How was the attack?

Researchers connect the dots for the armed attack which took place after 7:00 p.m., while Gancino Chávez shared with a group of friends. They were sitting on chairs on the sand.

Witnesses to the incident indicated that the attack was perpetrated by a single individual, who took advantage of the darkness to descend the stairs of the Chipipe boardwalkadvanced towards the group, who were listening to loud music and consuming beers, and opened fire.

The shots unleashed panic among the tourists present. “It was a scene of horror. The victims were left lying in the sand, and the traffic officer died instantly,” said a witness who preferred to remain anonymous.

Along with the officer, the university student Kleitver Balón González24 years old. Three other people were seriously injured. They have been identified as Alexi Maricela Flores, Carlos Julio Espinoza and Jonathan Pilay, who remain hospitalized in health centers in the province. Their testimonies will be essential to clarify what happened.

On Saturday there were three armed attacks in different places on the Peninsula and they left the same number of people dead.

They disobeyed regulations

According to the Salinas municipal ordinance, entering the beach at night is prohibited. Merchants in the area reported that municipal inspectors toured the area around 6:30 p.m. to warn people and ask them to leave the place. However, the traffic officer and his companions apparently decided to stay.

lto Chipipe beachconsidered one of the most exclusive in the region, has video surveillance cameras that monitor the area throughout the day. These recordings will be key to the investigations.

Silence of authorities

This armed attack It occurs in a context of growing insecurity in the province of Santa Elena, which has already recorded more than twenty hitman-style homicides so far in January 2025.

As of press time, no local authority had issued an official statement on the case. The National Police reported that they are working intensively to locate those responsible for this new crime.

Dozens of tourists arrived at the spa

Despite the tragic event, the Chipipe beach received a considerable number of tourists on Sunday morning. During a tour carried out by this means, the influx of people was confirmed, although no police or military presence was observed in the area.

This incident once again highlights the insecurity problems that affect the country. “It is unacceptable that something like this happens in such a busy tourist area, a popular destination for both nationals and foreigners,” said Geovanny Freire, a visitor from Guayaquil, who asked for greater security measures.

Sara Paredes, another tourist, expressed her indignation: “What is happening on the Peninsula is terrible. And to think that they intend to build a new prison in Salinas… This situation is already out of control. “The authorities do not seem to take effective actions to guarantee safety on the beaches,” he noted.

Mourns over death of university student

Friends and classmates of Kleitver Balón González, student of Information Technology at the Peninsula State UniversityThey mourned his death. “Your departure is a devastating blow. We will remember you for your jokes in the classroom and the joy you always radiated. Rest in peace, friend,” they wrote on social networks. The young man was the only son of an evangelical couple.

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