Who stayed with his inheritance?

Celia Cruz left an indelible mark on Latin music and accumulated a great fortune thanks to her success. However, his inheritance did not benefit his family, and his assets remained in the hands of other people. After his death, a legal battle that revealed fraud and controversies unleashed.
Celia Cruz’s fortune value
Throughout his career, Celia Cruz kneaded an estimated fortune between 3 and 4 million dollars. Although their successes continue to generate income, the control of their inheritance has been a controversial issue.
His widower, Pedro Knight, was the main beneficiary. However, the administration of its heritage fell to Omer Pardillo and Luis Falcón, which triggered family disputes and fraud accusations.

Legal Battle for the inheritance of Celia Cruz
The controversy about Celia Cruz’s fortune began when her sister Gladys Bécquer received a check of $ 460,000 from life insurance. When investigating, he discovered that he was not receiving the part of the inheritance that Celia had supposedly left for his family.
Throughout his life, he worked tirelessly, tours, filling stadiums and granting interviews. Thanks to his effort and talent, he accumulated a great fortune and worldwide recognition. However, his inheritance did not remain in the hands of his family.
His sisters remained in absolute poverty, while the money and royalties of his music were under the control of two men: Omer Pardillo, his music producer and legal executor, and Luis Falcón, a character surrounded by controversy, to whom many accuse having stayed with much of the fortune of the Queen of Salsa.
Who does fortune control today?
In 2007, a new Jersey judge dismissed Luis Falcón as an Albacea and appointed Omer Pardillo as administrator of the heritage of Celia Cruz. Since then, Pardillo drives Celia Cruz Legacy Project, in charge of preserving the singer’s legacy.

However, Celia Cruz’s family never agreed with the way her fortune was distributed.
Despite his success, his fortune did not benefit his family. Pedro Knight had children with another woman in Cuba, and it is said that her relationship with Celia was never completely legal. On the other hand, Luis Falcón, a man close to the couple, stayed with much of the inheritance. Celia’s family accused him of manipulation and santeria, and demanded him for appropriating the money Celia had supposedly left for her sisters. However, only a small part of fortune was returned to them.
The mystery of the inheritance of Celia Cruz
Despite the lawsuits and judicial failures, the exact amount of Celia Cruz’s fortune is not yet known or how it really was distributed. Its heritage continues to generate income from the sale of discs, tributes and exhibitions.
It is important that new generations understand the value of this woman who hit the world only with her voice. And led Latin music to the entire world creating the roots of what is done at the moment.
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