Faith and spirituality give sense of hope for better mental health

In the society current we are all witnessing the progressive deterioration of the health mental In almost all peoples, whether they are rich or poor.
And of indifference and even the contempt that exists in our countries towards the sick mentalthat does not even have coverage in the so -called Health Risk Administrators (ARS). As if the brain and psyche of those people were not part of their human economy.
Every year more than 900,000 people die from Suicides that could be avoided, mostly youths between 15 and 29 years representing the second cause of death In this age group after traffic accidents.
More evident situation after pandemic of the COVID-19 With disorders in the health mental that has left that disease around the world.
The attempts Suicides And those who materialize, is a problem of health public and its intervention must be a national priority.
“We need an action of all the societyto end so many deaths, and the commitment of the Governments to invest and create a national integral strategy that improves the prevention and the attention of the suicide“says Renato Oliveira Sousa, director of the unit of Mental health of the PAHO.
How to prevent it
Among the measures of prevention are:
- Limit access to poisons and arms of fire
- Early identification, evaluation and monitoring of people with suicidal thinking and behavior.
- Foster the skills socio -emotional In children and adolescents.
- Than the means of communication participate actively pointing out the symptoms Early.
- That the population is educated from the national system of health in attention Primary
- That the health mental Have an adequate attention in the Medical insurance.
- Campaigns of literacy in health mental.
- Know the symptoms: Person who speaks repeated times of wanting to die, that life makes no sense, that it is a burden for others, feeling extremely sad, trapped, without reason to live and others.
We must know that, only from the compassionscience and medicine It is as the best we can preserve the health mental of the people.
Keep in mind that there is a direct relationship between spirituality and the faith With greater emotional well -being. And the opposite when we seek happiness in temporal things.
That the faiththe spirituality And even religion give us, among other things, a sense of hope and purpose for a better health mental.