Presentation of ‘The Guardian Angel in Spain’: a reflection on faith and devotion

Yesterday the book was presented «The Guardian Angel in Spain. Worship, devotion and artistic manifestations» (2024), written by the journalist and researcher Rosa Rodríguez Cárcela and published under the Open Literature seal of the Torre de Lis publishing house. The event, which took place in the Assembly Hall of the PP. Discalced Carmelites of the church of Santa María Magdalena, brought together an audience interested in spirituality and sacred art.
The presentation-colloquium included the participation of three prominent speakers: the author of the book, Rosa Rodríguez Cárcela; the prior of the order in the two convents of Salamanca, Brother Miguel Ángel González; and the Sevillian bullfighter Borja Jimenezknown for his deep devotion to the Guardian Angel, to whom he entrusts himself before each bullfight.
During her speech, Rosa Rodríguez explained that the objective of her work is strengthen faith and trust in the Guardian Angela spiritual being superior to the human being who, according to Christian tradition, accompanies and protects people from their birth to their death. The author also highlighted the validity of this figure today, underlining how his presence offers comfort and hope in times marked by corruption, lack of values and loneliness. “The Guardian Angel not only benefits us daily, but also acts as a faithful and inseparable friend,” he stated.
For her part, Borja Jiménez shared her personal experience and how her faith in the Guardian Angel has given her strength and serenity at key moments in her career. His testimony moved the audience, showing a special connection between religious tradition and his professional life.
The prior, Brother Miguel Ángel González, provided a spiritual reflection, highlighting the importance of keeping devotion to the Guardian Angel alive as a reminder of the constant divine presence in daily life.
The book, which combines historical research and artistic analysis, explores the different manifestations of the cult of the Guardian Angel in Spain, from artistic representations to popular traditions. Its publication promises to become a reference for those seeking to understand the relevance of this figure in Spanish culture and spirituality.
The event culminated with a lively discussion between attendees and speakers, who answered questions and shared anecdotes related to the topic. The day made clear the validity of faith in the Guardian Angel as a source of hope and support in the daily lives of many people.
A work that inspires and connects with spirituality
“The Guardian Angel in Spain” invites readers to reflect on the importance of this spiritual figure and his ability to inspire confidence in an increasingly complex world. With a familiar language and rigorous documentation, Rosa Rodríguez Cárcela offers a work that not only informs, but also touches the hearts of those who seek to renew their faith and find comfort in their devotion.