Spiritual Exercises in Cuba with the Ignatian Youth Ministry (PJI) – Jesuits | Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean

Young people from the Ignatian Youth Ministry and other young people in Cuba learned more about Ignatian spirituality, they had the opportunity to live the experience of the Spiritual Exercises in two different groups: The first group took advantage of the summer to carry out their annual retreat that lasted from the 20th to August 26, 2024, with a total of 21 young people from various parts of the island participating, and the second group, with 15 young people, lived the experience of the Ignatian exercises for the first time, leaving aside other things to be surprised by a new experience, beginning on November 21 to 24 of the same year. Each of the participants willing to live the encounter with Jesus from an open, available and generous heart, the young people immersed themselves in fully living the deep and intimate encounter with Jesus, just as Ignatius of Loyola proposes starting the EEs “with great spirit and liberality”.
Days marked by searching, silence, listening from the heart, continuous learning to review one’s life and take time with the Lord and allow oneself to be embraced by his love and mercy, giving way to inner freedom. On a personal level and as a group they have lived different days than usual, an experience with great seriousness, reverence, in total silence and with deep meaning each moment and space of prayer, shared Eucharists, at the moments of orientations, interviews and sharing in groups.

The Spiritual Exercises were personally accompanied by religious from the Society of Jesus, the Company of Mary, religious of Jesus-Mary and Handmaids of Christ the King, there is a shared and supported experience with the different congregations of Ignatian spirituality.
At the end of the experience, each of the young people expressed their gratitude and gratitude to the Lord for everything they received during the exercises. Internally renewed, they prepared to return to their communities and daily life with something different and with the courage to move forward, trusting in the God who save.
In a special way, we from the National Office of Ignatian Youth Ministry in Cuba thank the CPAL for the support provided for the Spiritual Exercises and for making these spaces of prayer and encounter with the Lord possible.
Ignatian Youth Ministry (PJI)