The mystery of washing machines

It is a universal phenomenon, mystery of the clothes that are lost in the washing machines and then they reappear, especially the socks or stockings, as we call them in Colombia to the clothing of the feet.
It has happened to all of us that we put various items of clothing in the washing machine and then some do not appear, many times we do not realize it, when they are individual, but we do notice it in the socks casebecause when they come as a pair, suddenly one of the two pieces does not appear. Sometimes, after several days, weeks or months, the missing sock suddenly reappears in the washing machine. It remains a mystery, which some attribute to paranormal phenomena like a mischievous and fun ghost or goblin, who enjoys making the human inhabitants of the house they share suffer.
My rational and logical theory, As a writer who is fond of the science fiction genre, we have discovered the real time machine and we have not patented it as such. A mechanism that must spin at high speed for endless minutes, in an aqueous medium, surely at some point it will coincide with the right coordinates and conditions, opening a temporary portal to another past or future era.
The Spanish writer and screenwriter Javier Olivares already verified that domestic elements, such as doorscan be used for travel through timein his wonderful series ‘The Ministry of Time‘, broadcast by RTVE, the Spanish public television that has been a global successso much so that it was even vulgarly plagiarized, without the corresponding credit for it. British BBC when adapting the writer’s novel Kaliane Bradleywho was clearly based on Olivares’ original argument, although she denies it, which, in fact, would be a paranormal phenomenon and not a intellectual theft as it clearly is.
But returning to washing machines, a warning for kind readers, that they are time machines, disguised as harmless appliances, is just a theory, I do not recommend that any reader, interested in the progress of science, try to get into a washing machine to see If it appears in another past or future era, I think that like some prototypes of teleportation machinesonly works with small items, like socks. Please, Don’t bring your pets in either. (much less their children), they can appear like in some episode of the animated series ‘The Pink Panther‘, those who are old will remember it, the younger ones can search for it on the internet.
For it to work with humans, a gigantic multi-million dollar investmentsuch as the giant particle accelerator mechanisms or the sophisticated device created in the ‘Flux Capacitor‘, fabulous historical dissemination program (also from RTVE) that has been hosted by the writers Juan Gómez-Jurado, Raquel Martos (with whom I had already discussed this universal mystery, in the universal neighborhood that I keep calling Twitterin internal resistance to the owner) and currently presented by the multifaceted Maya Pixelskaya.
Now, since we mentioned it indirectly, perhaps an individual as striking as Elon Musk (for those who thought that the villains of James Bond They were characters that were too exaggerated, ridiculous and outlandish) if you read this article, translated into English by some entity of artificial intelligence (if he translates it, it is because he is actually intelligent), he may think that it is something serious and try the investment, there he and his money may disappear in the mysterious turns of the enigmatic and domestic washing machine.
Dixon Moya is a career Colombian diplomat, a writer by vocation, he runs a blog in the Colombian newspaper El Espectador with his literary surnames, in which he writes a little bit of everything.: On Twitter (at very rare times) he trills like @dixonmedellin.