Training talk on the spirituality of Padre Pio

In the Talará church on January 24, at 8 p.m., organized by the Sacramental Brotherhood of La Purísima Concepción.
The Sacramental Brotherhood of La Purísima Concepción, patron saint of the town of Talará, in the Lecrín region, organizes a training talk to learn about the spirituality of San Pío de Pietrelcina.
It will be led by Paloma Pía Gasset, author of the book “Direct Witnesses of Padre Pio.” Between 2010 and 2018, Paloma Pía Gasset had the opportunity to interview and record around twenty exceptional witnesses who crossed paths in the life of Padre Pio, the saint of the stigmata canonized by John Paul II in 2002.
José María Zavala, Spanish journalist, writer and film director, will also participate in this talk. On August 5, 2009, Zavala experienced a conversion, after which he received the sacrament of forgiveness of sins after fifteen years without doing so. Since then, he decided to turn his vocation to the dissemination of the lives of great saints, especially Padre Pio. As a film director, his first film, in 2018, was “The Mystery of Padre Pio”, which was followed by “Reborn”, “Wojtyla, the investigation” and “Dawn in Calcutta”. His most beloved book is “Padre Pio. The unknown miracles of the saint of the stigmata”, which has so far received sixteen editions in Spain and as many translations. He also wrote with his wife, Paloma Fernández, A game of love: Padre Pio on our path to marriage.
Both will talk about direct testimonies and experiences of the spirituality of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.
The conference talk will take place on January 24, at 8 p.m., in the Talará church, where his books can also be purchased.