The 21st edition of spiritual cinema begins

Ermano Olmi characterized by his inspiration in the humanism of Christian roots will be the leading director in the film library
05 November2024 –
Església de Barcelona

Photography: Presentation of the 21st Film Sample (Religious AFERS)
This Wednesday, October 6 at 8:00 p.m. the 21st edition is released. Sample of spiritual cinema with the broadcast ‘The Leggenda of the Saint Bevitore »in the Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona. With this film, of a spiritual reference in the world of Cinema Catalunya, it opens the doors to this new edition of the Mostra that this year reaches 35 municipalities throughout Catalonia with a total of 96 projections, including special sessions in the Filmoteca de Cataluña. This edition consolidates the sample as an activity rooted in the territory and a reference of the dialogue between cinema, spirituality and universal human values.
This year there will be 81 people who will carry out the films presentations and conduct the debates after each session. The 2024 spiritual cinema show includes cinematographic productions and reports of recent premiere. Apart from the projection rooms, the commitment to digital platforms is maintained. In its new edition, 36 representative titles of spiritual cinema will be offered through the Filmin Platform.
Theme of this edition
This year’s sample has as main themes: resistance and metamorphosis stories. Explore various expressions of spirituality and stories of overcoming and transformation. The content director, Peio Sánchez, stressed in the presentation that “we attend a moment of hatching of the presence of the religious and spiritual fact in the cinema.” He gave as an example the films about Jesus that Martin Scorsese, Mel Gibson and Terrence Malick are preparing, something that “reinforces the meaning of the sample,” he said.
Projections in the film library of Catalonia
In the Filmoteca de Catalunya, films of Ermanno Olmi, director of the aesthetic principles and the social and political aspirations of Italian Neorealism will be screened. In total there will be 11 Olmi pelúcules, whose work is characterized by their sensitivity to humble people and for their inspiration in the humanism of Christian roots. The contents director of the Mostra, Peio Sánchez, has referred to the Italian filmmaker as “a director who brings together resistance and social and ecological commitment to his religious faith.”
Presentation of films (Download the program)